MKCan you tell me a bit about what you’ve worked on recently and how you’re enjoying the currently running projects?
ASRight now what excites me the most are some of my personal projects. Due to lack of time, I'm not sure when they'll be finished but I'm working on a small apparel collection with great embroidery of my illustrations, a series of bandanas and a jewelry collection. I’ve always been interested in turning 2D illustrations into a tangible object.
MKDo you work with certain specific topics in your work and if so, what would those topics be? Were you interested in these topics before you started your practice or have they been naturally shaped through client / personal requests over time?
ASI have always been interested in depicting women, as I find them to be more interesting subjects for illustration. However, my clients have encouraged me to incorporate more color into my work. Previously, I had primarily utilized black and white hues, but now I am more open to experimenting with various color schemes.
MKHas your illustration style evolved since your earlier work? If so, how?
ASDefinitely. Coming from art school, I was trained to draw in a traditional manner. However, I became selective in my approach and began to exclusively use ink. I discovered that ink can be easily replicated in a digital drawing with a high-quality brush. As a result, I now strictly work digitally. It is much faster and efficient, and it offers greater opportunities for experimentation with colors, animation, and the translation of my work into various products.
MKAs an illustrator, are there any causes or values that you are passionate about and aim to express them through your work or the way you work?
ASClimate change is a big one for me, I use my illustrations to educate others about it. Another important issue for me is animal testing, and I often conduct research and publish information about which brands are harmful to animals and the environment. Furthermore, the Black Lives Matter movement has deeply impacted me and has led me to incorporate a diverse range of individuals of all races, sizes, and shapes in my work.
Anja "the Black Lives Matter movement has deeply impacted me and has led me to incorporate a diverse range of individuals of all races, sizes, and shapes in my work."
MKHow did you like the structure of the brief of Learning By Doing It — having to listen to an anonymous recording that was intimate in its topic and medium?
ASI have to admit, it was a bit challenging for me because I am used to reading a synopsis and illustrating from a draft, which allows for some distance. Listening to someone speak about their sexual experiences was difficult at times, as I could hear through their voice that they were still hurt and carrying the consequences. It was definitely more personal.
MKWhat was your sexual education like and if there’s anything you would like to change about our current system of sexual education, what would it be?
ASIt's hard to tell if I just wasn't paying attention in class or it was super short and brief. A very important thing I thing that needs to change is that with sex-ed you also should teach about pregnancy and giving birth to young kids. And that goes to all genders, if a woman needs to carry the burden of giving birth a man should 100% know what she needs to go through. People should be more open about negative things that come with birthing and pregnancy, women literally get massacred, their bodies change, the mind changes and it gets dark for a while.
MKAt your current stage in life, what would you like to learn on the topic of sex and relationships?
ASI guess I'm curious how all that changes with aging.
MKIf you had to teach your younger self one valuable lesson on the topic of sex, what would it be?
ASIt's okay to say no and leave.